Enjoy This Total Healing Audio Course

In this audio course, you’ll receive the most popular transmissions by Brandon Spratt. You’ll be guided into more self-love, happiness, prosperity, and joy. All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the guidance.


Let go of your stress

Heal your mind & heart

So, Whats On The Inside? 

Audio 1 - Angelic Tube of Light


In this meditation you will transport your consciousness into the realms of light and be guided on a journey of deep self-love. Let your stress melt away at the end of a long day or start your day off with this healing transmission.

Total Healing Audio Course

Audio 2 - Channeling The Council Of Light


This is a powerful transmission from the 12 Members of the Council of Light who are here to assist the evolution of humanity. These beings give powerful insight, direction, advice, and clarity that can be practially applied.

This is not a meditation - be sure to take notes!

Audio 3 - Hathor Healing Meditation


Be transported to the realm of the healing dimensions where the ascended master beings called the Hathors exist. These beings are powerful and work with the energy of sound healing and transmit healing freqencies. This meditation will bring you into a deep connection to your soul.

Total Healing Audio Course

Audio 4 - Healing By Connecting To Your Guides


In order to gain more direction in life, one must be able to trust the whispers of the Soul. This meditation will help you to build a bridge with your guides so you can trust what they are communicating to you at any given moment. This will give you greater direction in life and a calmness that is truly priceless.

Audio 5 - Pyramid of Healing Meditation


A client asked me for a meditation to help him heal and recover from an injury. What came through was so powerful that it had to be added into this course. While it was made for someone spiecifically, the guidance in this audio is general and anyone can apply it.

Total Healing Audio Course

Audio 6 - Meditation For Focus & Determination


The extent of our success is determinded by our faith, trust and our ability to stay focused. Earlier in this course we addressed faith and trust and now its time to focus on… focusing. You’ll be taken into a healing temple in an ascended higher realm where your guides help you be laser focused on what is most important to you right now.

Audio 7 - Five Minute Meditation


This is a powerful, yet quick meditation for anyone who needs a short reset or “power nap” to collect themselves when they’re on the go.

Total Healing Audio Course

Audio 8 - Abundance Activation


This transmission helps you to remember and reconnect with your abundant nature. Lack is an illusion and comes from the ego. If there is “not enough” of anything in your life there is work to be done within. Together we will reprogram the subconscious mind through affirming the abundant truths of who and what you really are. With repetition, watch your reality transform and your world become massively abundant and successful.

Audio 9 - Chakra Balancing Meditation


Your chakras are energy centers that are continuously working without your conscious awareness to keep your physical and energetic bodies in balance with one another. They all have various functions, but need regular attuning. This energetic transmission allows for that reset to occur, leaving you totally revitalized and refreshed.

Total Healing Audio Course

Audio 10 - Conscious Eating (A Shamanic Journey)


In this shamanic transmission, you will be guided into a more holistic relationship with food and change the way you see nutrition. If you have ever had compulsive behaviors and ate emotionally, this meditation is for you.

What’s The Cost?

This Audio Course Is Only $199

Once paid you’ll have access via an immediate download.

Total Healing Audio Course