4 Effective Ways to Improve Your Immune System
Nowadays every person is suffering from the fear of the global pandemic. Everyone wants to improve their immunity. Making your immunity strong is the most important need of every person in the world today. People with a stronger immune system have more power to fight viruses and other various diseases. It protects our body from the attack of different types of diseases.
What is The Immune System and How Does it Work?
The immune system is the “defender wall/barrier” to protect you from the bacteria that could possibly make you ill. This is the defensive system of the body. We can say it as an army of the body that protects from the enemies like an army of any country from outside invaders.
The immune system is made of cells, proteins, and different types of organs. It protects the body from outside invaders like viruses, bacteria, and toxins. All these types of outside invasion can cause infection in the body. The immune system fights back with these invaders to stop them before they create infections in your body.
A person with a stronger immune system stays healthy for a long period due to good protection from outside agents.
How to Boost Your Immune System
There are various theories and research on how to make your immune system stronger. Some people suggest a healthy lifestyle. Some say a better dietary system is the reason for the strong immune system.
Some researches show that the supplement like vitamins, calcium, and proteins make your defensive system more strong. In this article, we will discuss all the major aspects of your immune system that make it stronger to save you from infections and unwanted diseases.
Every aspect has its own benefits and impacts. The more focus you will have to improve your defensive system the more you will save yourself from the diseases. Doctors say if you wash your hands for 20 seconds and don’t touch your hands to your face, you will be protected from the various infections and you will be on your way to a healthy life.
Here are 4 major aspects to follow to have a healthy life with a Stronger Immune System.
Healthy Diet Plan
Doctors and holistic naturopathic practitioners say, “we are what we eat.” Food is the fuel to our bodies. “Food is thy medicine”. If we eat healthy foods our body will work properly and our immune system will be in the best condition. The more we eat whole and unprocessed food the more we are healthy and strong against diseases.
Here are a few important foods that improve our Immune system.
Antioxidants Foods
Color full fruits like berries, carrots, and spinach are antistress food that saves you from stress. People with fewer stress conditions are considered to have a stronger immune system. These types of fruits destress your mind and clear fusion. It leads to a healthy and strong defensive system.
Garlic is one of the magical food to improve immunity. If you take one half garlic clove daily that will maintain your immunity system and boost it. Eating a garlic clove has amazing results. However, if you have a Pitta Constitution (Ayurveda body type - please lower the amount to just twice per week).
Foods with the Vitamin C
Vitamin C has a major role in a boost of immunity. One study shows that people who take kiwi daily for a month had better immune systems to fight upper respiratory infections. Most people go for orange juices to get vitamins C. But unfortunately, it contains more sugar than vitamin c. Doctors suggest eating raw oranges instead of juices. Juices contain a heavy amount of sugar.
BONUS NOTE: Glutathione injections combined with Vitamin C are a powerful way to boost your immune system and protect yourself against unwanted viruses. This has proven to be a massive prevention technique when it comes to Corona Virus.
A lifestyle that Improves The Human Defensive System
Nowadays, we are living in an era of stress. This overdrive of productivity comes from a global “Vata” imbalance - too much movement. We are in need of more stillness. Everyday routines can cause us stress. Or our healthy habits can reduce this stress. That extra stress produces cortisol - the unwanted stress hormone. That hormone makes our immunity weak to fight against the outside invaders. Experts suggest a better healthy lifestyle makes your immunity system strong.
Here are few important steps to start a healthy life.
Complete Sleep
Normally we don’t focus on getting appropriate rest and deep sleep. We usually sleep late at night and get up early because we have to go to the office on time. This routine makes us night owls. This routine makes our immune system weak and it can not protect us from infections. In fact, this is going against the laws of nature.
As a massive generalization, most people should be asleep by 10pm and be resting until about 5 or 6am. This is because at 10pm Pitta energy begins to rule. Pitta energy is in charge of metabolism and the energy of fire - transformation. It resets our internal stress responses by quite literally “burning” them away through this natural activation of fire energy in the body.
When you push yourself to stay up past this time, you are missing out on the very important natural cycle of transmuting stress. When you miss out on this natural cycle you miss out on hormonal balance, which can cause all kinds of mental and emotional stresses. They call Pitta the “fires of transformation” or in yoga also known as “Tapas”.
In order to ascend to greater states of consciousness, we must live by natural law as best as possible so we can prioritize the number one most important thing of all… to reach greater heights of consciousness.
Finally, when you stay up past 10pm, you might notice you get a “second wind” of energy and end up staying up until midnight, or even later! This is because that fire energy has moved into the mind and intellect. It’s meant to be burning away impurities from the consciousness - both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. When you do not allow for this process to occur, you are getting fewer benefits from the natural intelligence of purification of your being.
To make our defensive system stronger we must have an 8-hour complete sleep.
Importance of Lifestyle Habits & Choices
Daily exercise makes our body more resilient from infections. It strengthens our internal body system that improves immunity. Strong immunity fights against outside invaders and protects us from infections. At least you should exercise 20 minutes a day. Our being needs a balance between activity and rest. It loves tension and pressure and also rest and relaxation.
Our job is to honor the intuitive consciousness that pulls us to one side or the other and not force ourselves to overexert or be lazy. There is a massive difference between being rested and self-care and being flat-out lazy. It has been proven over and over again that exercise boosts our immune system. And of course, don’t forget that yoga fits into this category and if you are interested in a free class click this link!
Sitting for 5 to 10 minutes quietly focusing on your breath will make you calm. It improves your focus and distresses your body. A calm and focused mindset leads to a healthy body and a better immune system. If you want to learn meditation and adopt a spiritual practice unique to your individuality, click here.
Positive Attitude
Negative emotions have a bad impact on our mental and physical bodies. It weakens our internal systems and allows outside invaders to create infections. A positive attitude improves our image of yourselves, develops greater self-respect, confidence, and of course our immune system.
That provides protection from infections. It creates more resilience in our body to fight against harmful viruses and bacterias. One of the greatest things Ayurveda teaches us is the importance of the “mental strength” of a client/patient. There are some patients who, when they become ill, think it is doomsday and they will never recover, or that it will get worse and worse, and worse - even if it’s just a simple sinus infection!
Whereas there are some people who have incredible mental strength, get diagnosed with cancer and pull our incredible positivity and against all odds, are able to beat cancer. Mindset and mental strength is incredibly important when it comes to our health. Normally it enhances the happiness of a person.
This joy release some hormones that strengthen the immunity. The more positive you will stay the more your immunity will be strong. The longer you stay happy the longer you will be infection less. People who have a healthy and happy lifestyle are likely to have fewer diseases.
People with fear and negative thoughts are always easy for the predator.
Improve Immunity with Supplements
Supplements are a great asset to the immune system. Ayurvedic herbs are subtle, but when your diet and lifestyle are refined, the subtly of the potent herbs can work wonders. That is why everything aforementioned is important to integrate into life before we can even consider supplementation.
While we might “feel like we’re doing something healthy”, this could be more of a placebo effect. We cannot expect these kinds of techniques to work to their maximum potential if one is smoking and drinking every day and eating processed foods - it’s just not going to happen.
Also, with many people working in offices or remotely from home, we are getting less exposure to the sun. Many people are lacking vitamin D. Professionals are suggesting we go outside for fresh air and exposure to the sun in the early morning hours before 10am and after 4pm. This way we can absorb important nutrients from the sun.
This has been shown in scientific research and studies to be incredibly effective in boosting immunity and helping patients with depression. The Sun is our source of life, so we must connect with it. This is also being part of nature. Just taking vitamin D supplements alone will not account for the natural source of sunlight.
These are just some key points that you can use to have a healthy life.
Put into practice these steps and your immune system will be supercharged!
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