7 Ways to Create a Sacred Space in Your Home
In our busy lives and demanding schedules, we as a society suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Home is meant to be a place of comfort and peace. There must be a place where we can sit and connect with ourselves.
We always try our best to make our home comfortable and the best place to live, where we can truly relax. With hectic routines and busy schedules, it's important to have a place where you can feel relaxed and restore your energy. Spending time in your sacred space strengthens your relationships and life in various ways.
We as human beings spend most of our resources on our external looks. Paying attention to our outer looks is not a bad thing but nourishment of the inner self and improving our mental health plays an important role in our life.
To improve our mental health and connect us with our inner self we have to perform meditation and mindfulness activities. One of the best ways to find inner peace and strength is to create a sacred place in your home and spend some quality time with yourself.
What is a Safe and Sacred Space?
A safe and sacred space is a dedicated place at home for your personal spiritual practices to aid you in your personal soul growth and evolution. This space can be used for meditation, journaling, visualization, and imagination purposes.
A sacred space can be a completely dedicated room or it can be part of the room, garden, or a dedicated corner in your home.
The size and design totally depend on your creativity as well as purpose. It is not necessary to put some spiritual sign in your space but if you put that enhance the effectiveness of your sacred space.
The main purpose of your space is to clear your thoughts, make you focused, calm, grounded, and ready to take on the day. It is a place where you can go to, to assist you in connecting with the universe and your higher self. As you do this consistently, the results are profound. Your confidence, creativity, and clarity will increase exponentially.
Which Place should you choose for your Sacred Place?
This is a major question that arises when you start to plan your sacred space. For most of us choosing a complete room for sacred space is not possible. You can select any space, room’s corner, or even a place in your garden.
The major purpose of selecting is to provide privacy, normal temperature, and comfort. You can choose any space that provides you with these basic essentials.
1 - Be Flexible
As we discussed most people can’t manage to dedicate a place in their house, they can create a portable sacred space. Once they have decided to use things in their sacred and safe space, they can collect them together and use them whenever they want.
Just focus on your purpose of connecting yourself and being calm in your personal sacred space.
Steps to Create Personal Sacred Space
These are major steps to create an amazing sacred space in your home.
Dedicate a place in your home for personal Sacred Space
Be Creative
Set a Theme for your sacred place
Put some items that have some spiritual values and meaning to you
Set a regular routine for this purpose.
Decide your intention and be connected to the "why" of creating a Sacred Space.
This must be your first step to identify your purpose of creating a personal sacred space in your home.
Do you want to relax after a hectic day?
Do you want to connect with your inner self?
Do you want to identify your vision of life?
Do you want to arrange the tasks you have to follow throughout the day?
Do you want to create a manifestation or affirmation place in your home?
For these purposes, most people choose to create a safe and sacred place in their homes.
2 - Decorate Creatively
Decoration comes up after you choose the place for your personal sacred space.
You can add a comfortable mate to the place you have chosen for your safe and sacred place. It should be comfortable to sit for a long period of time. Few people add some lights that add spiritual taste to their personal space.
The most used item in the decoration is the Himalayan salt lamp. This lamp indicates the positive vibes in your safe and sacred space. The colors of the Himalayan salt lamp are spiritually powerful for mental calmness.
You can add some indoor plants, flowers, or even roses - this will add a very high frequency to your sacred space. The more natural it is, the more effective it will be.
Choose a Comfortable Theme for your sacred Space
While Choosing your sacred space theme you must choose a calm and soothe combination of colors and items. It should indicate the spiritual and mindfulness aspects of sacred space.
You can add some signs that show meditation and spiritual values and encourage you to connect with yourself.
3 - Create a Schedule for your Practices
You won’t be able to get complete benefits from your personal sacred space until you start your spiritual practices on a regular basis. Setting a sacred place is an important step to obtain mental strength and spiritual benefits.
The ultimate benefits will be delivered to you after some regular meditation and spiritual ritual practices.
Things to Focus while creating Safe and Sacred Space
4 - Create A Calm Space
While creating a safe and sacred space you must have to consider the calmness and comfort of the place. This place should be noiseless. During your spiritual or meditation practices, the noiseless environment enhances the effectiveness of practices. If your place is not noiseless, consider putting on headphones and listening to sacred sounds, mantras, or anything else that can tune out the outside noise.
5 - Make It Inviting
While deciding your sacred space, consider smooth and eye refreshing colors. These colors will allow you to connect with your inner self. Do not select the colors that do not represent yourself.
6 - Why Climate Climate Control is Important
A Relaxed mind and calm brain need a maintained temperature. While practicing meditation, prayer for spiritual ritual will be affected by the temperature in your sacred space.
Try to select a place where the temperature is not unbearably cool or hot.
7 - Keep It Clean Boo!
The sacred place must be clean and clear. Unarranged items near your sacred space will disturb your inner self. You won’t be able to focus on your imagination and manifestation for your amazing and peaceful life.
A Clean atmosphere will double the effects of your sacred place. It will clear your extra thoughts and aline your inner self with peacefulness.
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