Proven Methods to Calm a Busy Mind
A human brain process thousands of thoughts a day. To calm a busy mind is one of the biggest challenges if you ignore it for a long period of time.
Sometimes, the mind feels stuck with the burden of too many thoughts. Overwhelm kicks in. It can cause unwanted anxiety and stress and without proper management of these “disconnection ques” one can get lost in these disturbances without a clear way out.
There is only one thing in life we must be diligent about - and that’s our spiritual progression and the embodiment of our soul. These disturbances are just an indicator for us to RECALIBRATE.
Ignoring the calling of recalibration will only bring more and more… challenges to our minds and hearts. Ignoring such conditions will lead to the festering of insecurities, doubt, and lowers one’s self-esteem.
There are various proven methods that help people to calm their busy minds and thus clean up fear and insecurities.
Try Mindfulness Practice
Sometimes we focus on external sources instead of internal solutions. As a busy mind is a mental issue we can focus on mindfulness practices to tackle this issue. Mindfulness is a process that calms your inner self and provides clarity in your head. If we spend some time tracking our thoughts we will be able to follow our distracting thoughts.
You can sit calmly and start some mindfulness practices like deep breathing. Deep breathing is one of the important steps to relax our minds. Take some long breaths and focus on the breathing pattern. This pattern can be different depending on your choice.
You can take a breath from your nose slowly. Now hold it for five seconds. Then release it from your mouth for 5 seconds. This procedure will help you magically relax your busy mind.
Do Some Exercise
Performing daily routine activities for a long time makes you tired and uninspired. As a human, we become bored by doing same things on daily basis. Doing some exercise helps you to release hormones that relax your mind muscles. Changing up your routine can bring in an added freshness you might not know you needed.
Doing exercise on a daily basis helps to relax their minds and enhance their mental capacity. Five minutes of brisk walking will make you release endorphins that make you feel happy. According to Ayurveda, the best time to walk is in the morning before 9am or around sunset after you have eaten a meal.
If you have a hectic routine, you will be more prone to suffer from anxiety and stress. Taking some time for your mental health will also improve your workability and productivity.
Start Your Day With Meditation
The start of the day defines how the rest of the time will be. The first thing in the morning should be to get yourself refreshed with a splash of water on your face, make some hot water with honey and lemon, brush your teeth, use your tongue scrubber, and then light a candle and begin your yoga practice, followed by meditation. This routine will help to give you more energy throughout the day because you are following the laws of nature. Waking up early and going to bed early is the most significant thing you can do to your daily routine for more improvement in energy, cognitive functioning, etc.
Listen to Relaxing Music
As our body needs rest to recharge, our mind needs to calm itself for better tasks performance. We can calm our busy minds with relaxing music, like piano, or Indian instruments like the Sitar or flutes. Putting your headphones on your ears with some relaxing music will have a deep impact on your anxiety and focus mindset.
Don’t Forget to Tap Into Your Imagination
Put your phone off to the side for a moment and take some time to start imagining your dream life. The life you fantasize about. This will bring you where you want to be. This positive energy will have an impact on your inner self. It will replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. These positive thoughts will make your feel good. It will calm our busy mind. The only thing you have to do to attain mental peace is to switch your cell phone for some time.
It seems so simple but it takes some courage to do so. People with the ability to control their habits are the stronger ones. It will look difficult at the start but it will be easy to perform after some practice. You will be in some other world and it will clear your thoughts and mind. It gives a new way of calming your mind and improving mental health.
Go Outdoors
A study revealed, spending more time in nature makes your mind more calm and clear. Studies also say that the mind doesn’t have to spend more energy to focus on anything. The mind simply goes into a state of processing the subconscious mind as well as dropping into a state of receptivity… making you feel more refreshed and calm afterward.
In this era, we are becoming robots that do not take breaks. Our workload is increasing day by day and we have to skip outdoor activities to complete our daily tasks. Another recommendation would be to try some new things in your local park. Bring your kids with you weekly. Play football with them will make you happier and it will calm your busy mind.
Accept your Thoughts
Many times, we do not accept our thoughts. We always indulge our minds in matters that are not related to our positive self-image. We make our self worry just about other issues - issues and fears that actually don’t matter in the slightest! The one thing you can do is to accept your mind's thoughts and then work towards catching these thoughts with your awareness and then recalibrate them to the truth of who and what you really are. Your only job as a human is to keep yourself awake, aware, and remember your truth - always.
Take Breaks
If you are working in your office or in your workspace make sure to take some breaks along the way. If you are working on your tasks and your mind begins to race, stop yourself and reconnect to your breath. The breath is the fastest way to recalibrate your mental energy back to calmness.
Set a reminder to stop working after 90 minutes. It will reset your brain and help it to stop draining your energy. While working keep in your mind that you are not a robot. You are a human with emotions. Your emotions matter. And you need to pay attention to them. Do not suppress them.
Help Someone
It is a natural process to help others, you’ll feel immense positive energy by doing so. It helps to release hormones that make you feel happy and blessed. These feelings are more precious than anything else. Your body releases more endorphin when you give back, help others, or spend money on others either directly or through charity.
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