Is Your
Water Alive?

Your Mind Is About To Be Blown!

Open your heart and mind to the insights I'm about to share. Prepare to embark on a journey into the realm of water—one that unveils the distinction between dead water and the remarkable elixir known as living water. Through my years of contemplation, I've come to understand the profound potency of this element.

Now, what exactly is living water?

You first need to realize that tap water and bottled water are essentially lifeless. They lack the vibrant energy and electrical charge that infuse water with vitality, and the crystalline structures of this type of water are all broken up or nonexistent. To understand this better, we need to look at the work of Dr. Emoto, a pioneer in this field who shed some light on this phenomenon. His work reveals that water, astonishingly, carries memories and responds to the energies surrounding it; be it the cadence of sound, the melody of music, the power of words, or the currents of emotion.

It’s All About Vibration

Consider us, sentient beings pulsating with life. Our cells are alive and vibrating with an electrical charge. Depending on our age, we are composed of 70-90% water. Isn't it logical, then, to put a priority on the quality of the water we drink? Everyone talks about diet and that we are what we eat. What about, we are what we drink?

What do you think drinking dead water all day long does to our body, to the vibration of our cells? 

This is why I advocate for the embrace of living water. It awakens the cells and rejuvenates them with vitality. This affects our whole body and propels it into a state of homeostasis; which is the optimal state for the body to be to fight diseases, viruses, bacteria, and other things that aren’t meant to be in the body with ease.  

As you absorb these words, let the essence of living water flow through your understanding. Embrace the surge of life it can bring, and empower your very being to reclaim its optimal state. 

Where To Get Living Water?

Discover the secret to truly revitalizing hydration; it’s all about embracing the living water found in nature's gifts. When you savor those juicy organic fruits, you're not just enjoying a snack, you’re treating yourself to a sip of nature's finest structured living water.

The truth about non-organic fruits is that they carry more than just sweetness, pesticides can taint their water essence, disrupting the health benefits we seek. After fruits, the next best source of living water can be found in natural springs if they haven’t been contaminated or if they aren’t too high in minerals. Unfortunately, these can be hard to find nowadays. 

The good news is that there is a way to have access to an infinite source of living water for yourself, your family, and even your pet(s). A Japanese company called Enagic, invented over 40 years ago a machine that can take your dead tap water and transform it into living water. This masterpiece has been used in many Japanese hospitals and homes for its health benefits. The machine that goes over the counter in the kitchen will break down your tap water and restructure it with electricity as it passes through some titanium plates. It will bring it to life with electricity, break down the water molecules so they can be smaller, and restructure them to have a beautiful water crystalline structure. This water goes by the name of Kangen water, but its scientific name is ERW (electrolyzed reduced water). There are plenty of PubMed and Google Scholar studies that show the benefits of this water. 

Did You Know…

…that the water molecule you get from tap or bottled water is actually too big to hydrate our human body at a cellular level?

This is why fruits can hydrate us so well. The water molecules found in fruits are much smaller and are able to hydrate us at a cellular level. Unfortunately, most humans are dehydrated and do not eat enough fruits. This is where Kangen water comes in. This pioneered technology is able to create living water with micro-clusters, meaning that the water molecules have been broken down and restructured to mimic those found in fruits. This is why when you drink Kangen water, you feel more hydrated and do not need to drink as much water. Another benefit of having this micro-cluster property is that it is also able to pull more beneficial components from herbal teas, herbal medicines and even seasoning when cooking with it.

Kangen is water with an electrical charge which makes it living water. When we drink it, it benefits all our cells and supports our body to be in a state of homeostasis. This is the optimal state for the human body to be in so it can heal itself properly. Kangen water is alkalized via electricity and is not alkaline. The difference here is that alkaline water has increased PH via added minerals and alkalized water gets its increased PH through electricity. Most humans have bodies that are too acidic, caused by what we drink, the food we eat, external pollution, and stress. You need to know that any diseases or viruses can only thrive in an acidic environment. Kangen water helps bring balance to the body as it has a higher PH than regular water. 

Can Kangen water affect our stomach acid levels? It's important to understand that gastric acid is typically released when someone is hungry or when they smell food. This is why it's recommended to consume Kangen water with a higher pH about 30 minutes before a meal and approximately 45 minutes after a meal. While you're having your meal, you can opt for Kangen water with a pH of 7.0 if necessary. Based on my research in Ayurveda and other ancient medicine traditions, it's generally advisable to avoid drinking during meals. Instead, consider sipping on warm tea if hydration is needed.

Here’s The TRUTH!

We are predominantly composed of water and we know that it holds memory so how does that correlate with our spiritual journey? In our practice when we use vocal sound, music, instruments, dance, movement,… whatever makes us feel happy and alive, well these positive feelings, these energies affect the water in your body.

The words we choose, both in our self-talk and interactions with others, play a significant role in shaping the structure of the water in our bodies. It's worth contemplating that even our emotional experiences, including traumas, might be imprinted in the water within us. Always remember, water has the remarkable ability to retain memories.

Now let’s go deeper into the rabbit hole of water theories…

Water, a truly inter-dimensional element, transcends the confines of our physical reality. What I've come to comprehend is that much of the water on our planet remains dormant, not fully activated to its profound potential. In my belief, water serves as a cosmic portal, capable of ushering us into otherworldly realms, bestowing upon us rejuvenation and myriad wonders.

Water stands as one of Earth's most exceptional and enigmatic elements, many of its physical properties cannot be explained or proven by science as of now. Our ancestors possessed the wisdom to awaken water, to wield its secrets for their own betterment.

Ready To Learn More?

Amazing! The next step is to dive into the Sacred Secrets of Water Course.

It’s totally free and meant to inspire you to learn about the sacred secrets within water, discover your purpose, heal yourself and be a part of a global initiative to heal our waters.