Week 1 Journal PromptsYou have the option to use this form or you can write physically in your own journal. Name * First Name Last Name What do you love most about your body and why? List 5 - 10 reasons why eating healthy is empowering for your body, mind, and spirit: Think about a time where you were consistent with your health and wellness goals. Now write as if you were in that moment and FEEL the positive emotions as you write about your ideal health. For example, even if you were more consistent last year... write as if you were in the moment of your consistent self. As an example you could say, "I am loving how I feel when I am consistently exercising and eating foods that keep me in optimal shape. It frees my mind of insecurity and I am feeling more confident." Write about some of your favorite herbs to cook with. Get emotional, descriptive, and feel the essence of coooking with potent herbs and spices. You can even reflect on a childhood memory that brings joy. Think about a time where you were triggered, moody, emotional, or upset and you turned to food to eat emotionally (its okay, no judgement, we've all been there!). As you reflect on that moment, and first, forgive yourself - this is a judgment free and shame free zone - Now, I want you to imagine you making a more empowered decision. Write about what that decision be: List 5 reasons why you are grateful for refining your health and wellness goals: Thank you!