Destiny Reading

What Is Destiny Reading & How Can It Help ME?
I work with the powerful Mystical Shaman Oracle Card deck to help me channel powerful messages of insight, wisdom, and clarity.
After working with this deck for years on a personal level… and then with hundreds of clients in sacred ceremonies… I can say that I know the spirit of this deck through and through.
We will have a chat, a short meditation, and a 4 card spread (one card for each of the cardinal directions) to show us what needs to be let go of, where you need to grow, what needs to be reinforced, and what your possible destiny has in store for you.
It will be a reading that will cut through the fogginess and give you clear steps to move forward in a very practical, grounded, and realistic way.
Benefits of a Destiny Reading
Heal Past Traumas
Remember Your Truth
Recalibrate To Higher Frequency
Activate Your Higher Self
Stress Relieving
Goal Setting
Deeper Spiritual Connection
Access To Your Guides
Activate Your Potential
Awaken Your Purpose

How A Destiny Reading Can Help
You Find Your Purpose
We all want to know what were here to do… but heres a secret no one tells you…
For some of us… our purpose cahnges a few times over the course of a lifetime. While for some its the same things for eons… Maybe for you… youre feeling a little lost or unsure of whats next… or maybe you need that confirmation to show you you actually are on the right path and the time to take action and move forward is now!
Either way, this reading is about brining clarity to your mind and joy into your heart. Whatever is in the way of your goals, direction and purpose will be brought out of the shadows and into the light. Once your truth is illuminated, the choice is up to you to take action to start living in your purpose.
As a channel and guide, my goal is to give you the most clear and important information from your guides to you. A soul to soul transmission of remembarance of what you came here to do and be steady as you navigate your unique path forward.

What’s Next?
Just find a time in the calendar below and we will connect at your scheduled date and time.
Just bring an open heart and mind and we’ll be good to go!