Free Yourself From Depression
In this short and easy mini-course, you’ll be introduced to visualizations, meditations, journaling practices, gratitude exercises, and inner child healing processes that will help you start to heal from depression.
This course is excellent for anyone who is new to spirituality and looking to feel more alive and joy again!

What’s On The Inside?
A 7-day empowering journey full of potent practices to help you clear energy, tap into your inner child, love yourself more, and start opening to more joy. This course is excellent for beginners who are new to spirituality.

DAY 2 - 4 Gratitude Prompt Exercises
There are powerful techniques to implement gratitude into your life… and when you do, incredible change and transformation can occur. These prompts will elevate you and help you to re-focus your attention onto what is working in your life. As you do this more and more, depression will become a thing of the past.

DAY 3 - Energizing 5-Minute Meditation
In only 5 minutes you can shift your energy and raise your vibration and frequency. Actually, it can be done is as little as 15 seconds! This will help shift your moods, feeling, and emotions to a higher plane quickly. Anytime you start to feel low and only have a couple minutes, this is a great go to solution.

DAY 4 - 9 Journaling Prompts to Get Inspired
Journaling is a powerful exercise that can radically improve your clarity and perception around what you are desiring and needing in your life to achieve more peace and balance. These prompts inspire you to be radically honest with yourself so you can accept your past, love your present and create a harmonious future.

DAY 5 - Visualization To Clear Emotional & Mental Baggage
Visualization can be a powerful tool to heal and transform our mindset and consciousness. The more we practice imagining what we want our lives to be like, we closer we merge with it and create it. At the same time, in this process, we learn to appreciate the present moment and be content here and now. For in this present moment is where all positive flow happens.

DAY 6 - Prompts To Connect To Your Inner Child
Your inner child is something that needs to be connected with frequently so you can live a harmonious life. If you reject, deny, numb, or suppress your inner child, havoc and drama will consume your life. This negative “drama” happens as a wake up call for your system to recalibrate to heal and self-reflect.

DAY 7 - Affirmations to Overcome Depression
Affirmations can be a powerful tool to help you achieve a new belief system. They present you with an alternate and new reality to merge with. The more you practice it, the more it becomes real and true. Rememer, positive and lasting change occurs when you become habitual in your habits that create peace and harmony in your day to day life.