Beginner Tips To Meditation

Meditation is a practice that everyone can perform to reduce stress, anxiety, and have a clear mind. 

Having authentic tips and complete information provides a road map for beginners to achieve maximum output from meditation.


There are various popular practices to start meditation. Some people start practicing meditation, but can not maintain it for the long period. It happens because of less awareness and a lack of authentic knowledge. 

Meditation was used for the past 3o thousand years for peaceful and mindfulness purposes. It proved a great source of removing stress and anxiety. 

People with a clear mind and calm mind perform better than others who suffer from anxiety and stress.

How Beginners Should Start Meditation

People at the beginning face distractions and difficulty sitting for a longer period for meditation. Most people leave meditation just because they can not maintain their focus. They do not obtain enough results to stay motivated for a longer period.

A beginner with authentic tips and knowledge takes advantage of meditation than a person with less information. In this article, we will discuss the major tips and effective knowledge that help beginners to start meditation.

Beginner Guide for Beginners to start Meditation

There are various simple and effective steps that you can follow to attain greater results as a beginner. People who have experience can use any meditation technique but as a beginner, you should go for the simple and smooth technique.

Here is one of the simplest techniques you can perform to obtain the best result from meditation as a beginner.

Find a Noiseless space to Sit Comfortably

As a beginner, we do not focus on simple things and feel lost after practicing meditation at the initial stages. Finding a comfortable place around your home is one of the essential tasks to start meditation.

When you find a comfortable place try to sit comfortably on the surface of the floormate.

Inhale and Exhale Breathes

After sitting comfortably in a comfortable place start taking long breaths. Take long breaths from your nose and exhale them from your mouth.
You can count till 5 while taking a long breath and hold it for five seconds. After holding breath for 5 seconds exhale it while counting for 5.

At the start, if you don’t know how much time you have to meditate, start taking 100 long breaths. After taking 40 to 50 long breaths you will feel the relaxation of your mind.


Take Breath like a Baby

Have you ever see a little baby breathing while sleeping. When he inhales the breath his belly size increases. When he exhales the breath his belly starts decreasing. This is the pure form of breathing for meditation.

Maintain your posture

When you start meditation you must have to focus on your sitting posture. Sit straight and it will help you in breathing. Sitting straight will help you to correct your posture.

Bring your focus back

Oftentimes people face difficulty in meditation. Don’t stress yourself for not focusing your thoughts. It natural to distract while meditating. Observe the wandering thoughts and refocus on your breathing pattern.

Try to focus on your inhaling and exhaling process. This will help to empty your mind and bring new positive vibes to your brain. 

After practicing the meditation multiple times you will master your thoughts. You will control it easily after practicing it with persistence.

What Beginners Should Keep in Mind Before Starting

We always hear from the people who spend their 30 to 40 minutes of meditation. We watch people on tv that told stories of the amazing impact of meditation on their life. You can expect those results while keeping major points in your mind.

Do not over expect from the beginning

We can understand you are meditating for amazing results but keep in mind: nothing can change overnight. Great things take time. When you will be prepared for long-term results, you will not be disappointed at the start.

Keep Moving

In the beginning, meditation feels difficult to focus. Your mind starts wandering around your past mistakes or future goals. To get success in the meditation, the key is to be persistent and keep going on.

After focusing on the meditation for few days you will feel comfortable with this process. You will get maximum out and will increase the time duration of the meditation.


Be Persistence

A person who performs meditation and takes breaks from it can not attain greater results. Find few minutes a day at the start but do not skip it just because of laziness. This persistence will change your life with the help of meditation.

Don’t worry about doing wrong practice
As a beginner, you just need to know that you don’t have to worry about the things that you can’t control especially your thoughts. As a new meditator, people think they have to stop thinking and have to clear their minds immediately.

Keep in mind everyone has to start from zero. No one comes with perfection. Accept your imperfection and keep moving.

Check-in with your friends

Sometimes a single person can not maintain his routine or stick to a single practice. Add your friends to your meditation practices. It will help you to maintain the routine for the long term. 

Your meditation partner will help you to keep moving on and your practice. People with the help of their spouse, siblings, or kids can perform this exercise for the long term.

Be Kind with Yourself

A person who starts meditation and feels uncomfortable should not blame himself for it. There will be days when you will fail to perform meditation. There will be days when you will face challenges in practice.

But keep in your mind that you have to focus on your destiny not only on the journey. There will be some ups and downs in the path of successful meditation practices.

Try to feel love around yourself. Try to start a conversation with yourself. Try to become a friend of yourself. This will not only help you in meditation but it will help you throughout your life.

Be a self Motivator

People face issues after starting meditation. Getting a quick result should not be the ultimate goal for meditation. Set a clear goal to have a mindful life and a clear thought process. This will remind you to move on when you will feel exhausted. 

Benefits of Meditation

  • Provide clarity in your thoughts

  • Calm your Inner-self

  • Remove Anxiety

  • Lower Depression

  • Sound Mind

  • Meditation will lower your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure issues.

  • Enhance self-awareness

  • Stabilize emotional health

  • Promote kindness

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