Meditation Made Easy
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word, “meditation?” Usually, its met with a grunt… or this emoji 😑
Or like an, “Ugh, I just never have the time” or, “I don’t know how” or, “it’s too hard.”
Sound familiar?
Let go of meditation being something hard to do and be open to it being something you start practicing getting better at. And here’s the good news! There are tons of styles of meditation to explore in this course to find the ones that work best for you. Oftentimes, I’ve found that many people start at the hardest place of all - silent meditation. That’s the most advanced meditation practice of all! Yet, that’s where so many start, and it’s also the reason they stop. Maybe that’s you?
No matter what your background is, my goal is to introduce meditation to you in a new light, in a way that is exciting, refreshing, and genuine - it’s pure from the ancient texts straight to your mind and heart.
This course will help you, overcome mental & emotional blocks, open up to your psychic and intuitive abilities, let go of stress, deeper connection to Source, invite in more positivity, overcome conflicts & increase courage, and increase trust & faith in yourself

Whats On The Inside?
Nine powerful meditation classes to help you learn ancient meditation techniques while support your healing journey simultaneously. This course is for anyone who is ready to be in the bliss of the Real Self

Meditation Class 1 - Source Meditation
This Source meditation is a powerful channeling meditation I learned from a Shaman and mystic healer during my spiritual awakening in 2014. It takes you out of the conscious mind and into the deep, universal mind where its just you and Source.
It will guide you back home - your inner home where you can always come to when you feel lost.

Meditation Class 2 - Balance Mental Energy
We are all made of elements - space, air, fire, water, earth. It’s these elements that make up the play of our reality. When in balance, they create harmony. When out of balance, they create havoc. Obvious question, but what would you rather have? The thing is, to have harmony, sometimes it takes a bit of work to get there.
This meditation is one of those ancient and sacred ones to keep with you in your back pocket forever.

Meditation Class 3 - Meditation for Tough Times
Sometimes life gives us challenge after challenge and it can feel totally overwhelming, exhausting and like we want to just give up. That’s not an option though! We’re learning to be resilient and like how a diamond must undergo massive amounts of pressure to shine and radiate it’s beauty… so are we like the diamond.
But, when the pressure is too much, this meditation will bring you back into grace and help you to zoom out and see the bigger picture thats playing out.

Meditation Class 4 - Meditation For Total Balance
Your mental sphere is where your psychic powers and inner technology exist. You are not just what you can perceive from the sensory system (meaning; sight, taste, smell, hear, touch). You also have a technology inside you that helps you sift and sort through your reality with intuition. It is said that in the animal kingdom animals have claws, teeth, poisonous essences, etc. to keep them safe. They have built in weapons. We, however, have one too - but it takes our conscious focus to be aware of it and unlock its powers. Our power is intuition. It keeps us safe, and when we don’t listen to it, we suffer the consequences.
This meditation helps to balance your mental energy so you have clear intuition.

Meditation Class 5 - To Increase Positivity
Sometimes we need a boost of positivity when we’re drowning in the mud. This is one of those excellent practices to dive into when your world feels all-consumingly negative. It will release you from the pressure of self-criticism and self-loathing.
This is a liberating practice, rebirthing you into a new, upgraded version of yourself.